| | NOVEMBER 20239IN FOCUSThe emirate of Abu Dhabi has committed to investing about $70 million towards a project that would extend Jordan's domestic gas network in important industrial areas.According to the official Jordanian news agency Petra, the money is a portion of a $400 million loan that the Abu Dhabi Development Fund (ADFD) will give to Jordan.According to the report, the agreement, which was reached this week, included $75 million to assist Jordan's budget in addition to sponsoring various other development initiatives in the country, such as building schools, reclaiming land, and the Health Ministry's $100 million digitalization project.The development of a waste-to-energy plant and a cargo project at the Port of Aqaba in Southern Jordan were the subjects of a separate agreement. Utilising its enormous proved resources of 101 billion barrels of crude oil and over 63 trillion cubic feet of gas, it has been ensnared in a vast effort to increase its production of both oil and gas. Renaissance Services, an Oman-based lodging, services, and Integrated Facilities Management (IFM) provider, has partnered with Wakud, a local business, to turn Used Cooking Oil (UCO) from Renaissance's large-scale central kitchens into biodiesel.Renaissance said in a press release that the relationship started earlier this year when more than 9,000 litres of UCO were sent to Wakud's Khazaen Industrial City facility to be turned into biodiesel.As stated by Stephen R. Thomas, CEO of Renaissance Services: "We are happy to work with Wakud in support of the Sultanate's Net Zero commitments and the pillar of Sustainable Environment envisioned by Oman Vision 2040, as recycling of UCO is one of the ways in which our Net Zero ambition and related targets can be achieved".Managing Director of Wakud Maher Al Habsi continued, saying, "We are thrilled to work with Renaissance Services to convert UCO from the company's operations in Oman into biodiesel, thereby increasing fuel efficiency, reducing carbon and minimising the release of dangerous pollutants like NOx and sulphur compounds". ABU DHABI TO FUND JORDAN'S $70 MILLION DOMESTIC GAS NETWORKRENAISSANCE SERVICES PARTNERS WITH WAKUD FOR BIODIESEL CONVERSION
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