| | OCTOBER 20236C O NT R IB U T O R SA Culture of Digital Resilience Proves a Return of InvestmentManu BansalDriving Organizational Change through DigitalizationGreen Economy ­ Tech, Policies & EducationRaen Lim,Group Vice President,Asia,SplunkA Journey of Leadership, Cross-Cultural Excellence & EmpowermentMediko Azwar,Chief Marketing Officer,Blue Bird GroupJeffrey Khoo,Vice-Chairman (APAC),ArbolEXPERTS TALKLAST WORDTHOUGHT LEADERSHIP16202610Three Ways Investing in Route Planning Software is Beneficial for the Transportation IndustryMradul K.,VP - Global Sales & Strategy, LogiNext30EDITOR'S CHOICEIN FOCUSMASDAR, PLN NP AGREES TO DEVELOP SOLAR PLANT IN INDONESIA08KOREA FIRM SOLIS-IDC TO INVEST $2 BILLION IN INDIAUAE, THAILAND CEPA TO STRENGHTEN BILATERAL TIES09
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