| | OCTOBER 20226C O NT R IB U T O R STransforming Digital Process Automation during New NormalCEO's Guide to Data Driven OrganizationBiggest Challenge for Fashion Entrepreneurs & What You Can Do About ItHybrid Education is a More Efficient System of EducationThe Shrewd Shift from Corporate Digital to Customer DigitalPursuit Of ExcellenceDr. Kaushik Sengupta,Product Head ­ Food SAR Region,Bureau Veritas GroupPiyush Chowhan,Group Chief Information Officer, Lulu GroupProf. Gulbash Duggal,Dean, International College of FashionSukriti Dugal,Founder,ICRI Online LearningDr. Suresh A Shan,BFSI Head, Enterprise Architect & Creative Innovator,Mahindra FinanceRajesh Kumar Singh,Global Head - HR,KPITEXPERTS TALKTHOUGHT LEADERSHIP161024403820DEBANJAN BANERJEE, CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER,PERNOD RICARD, INDIA & SOUTH ASIAAARON LEE,CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, BLUE INSURANCEROZANARUSLI,GROUP CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER,MISC BERHAD GROUPMOHAMED ARIFF AMEEDEEN, CIO, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PAHANG28263634CIOS FROM ASIATOP 1020223016
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