| | JUNE 20236Digitalisation in Facilities ManagementTechnology Reshaping the Future of HealthcareThree ways Investing in Route Planning Software is Beneficial for the Transportation IndustryHow Blockchain & It Is Transforming The Education Sector?Consumer Electronics Industry: Adapting The New DynamicsNatalie Craig, Managing Director, C&W Services SingaporeSharon Chan, Head-JLABS Asia Pacific,Johnson & Johnson InnovationMradul K., VP - Global Sales & Strategy, LogiNextDr. Mohamed Ariff Ameedeen Chief Information Office, Universiti Malaysia PahangVikas Chadha, CEO, Jumbo GroupEXPERTS TALKTHOUGHT LEADERSHIPLAST WORD1634261038C O NT E NT SIN FOCUSBUSINESS INSIDEHOW RENAULT KOREA MOTORS BRINGS THE MODERNITY IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYZERO-ERROR SYSTEMS NAMES RAJAN RAJGOPAL AS CEOVODAFONE EGYPT TO VENTURE $10.6 MILLION TO RUN ON RENEWABLES9820UAE BASED MUBADALA FORMS JOINT VENTURE TO BUILD $600 MILLION PROPERTY PORTFOLIO IN JAPAN
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