| | DECEMBER 202319Our goal is to become the number one organization in our field in Cambodia. We believe that we have the products, services, and people to achieve this goal.Could you talk about your skilled team and the organizational structure?The company has a structured management system. I meet with the managers every week to discuss problems, goals, and feedback from customers. The managers then share this information with the staff. We also developed an app that allows us to collect feedback from customers in real-time. This data is used to track performance and identify areas for improvement.In addition to the management structure, we also have a financial control system. This system allows us to track sales and expenses, and identify any potential problems. If we see a drop in sales at a particular location, we can investigate the issue and take corrective action.I believe in giving my managers and top executives a lot of freedom. I choose people who are strong and creative, and I trust them to make decisions on their own. I don't micromanage them. Instead, I focus Denis PerfilyevCEOVICCILABDenis is a hiker, traveler, and reader who loves to challenge himself. He recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa, and is inspired by books like "10X" and "Shut Up and ListenWith hard work, determination, & a willingness to take risks, anything is possibleon making sure that everyone is aligned with our company's vision of customer satisfaction.What are your future plans?Looking at the future, we are planning to continue expanding within Cambodia. However, given that the Cambodian market is relatively small and we have almost reached its maximum potential, we are looking to open a few more locations here. Additionally, we have our sights set on entering larger markets such as Vietnam and Thailand. Although these markets offer more opportunities, they also come with increased competition. Nevertheless, with our accumulated experience and resources, we are confident in our ability to succeed. So, for the time being, our focus is on growing in neighbouring countries. On a personal level, I will continue to be actively involved and might even relocate to other countries to further advance our brand.Please share valuable tips for budding entrepreneurs.The beauty industry is huge and growing, but it is also very competitive. However, I believe that it is a great place for future leaders to start their businesses because there is always high demand for beauty products. The market is also constantly evolving, so there are always new opportunities for businesses to innovate.My advice to anyone who wants to start a beauty business is to not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes are a part of the learning process, and they are essential for success. The more mistakes you make, the faster you will learn and the closer you will get to your goals. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. If you give up after the first failure, you will never achieve your goals. LEADERS FROMCAMBODIA 2023TOP 10
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