| | MARCH 20239IN FOCUSIN FOCUSINDIA'S EXPORTS TO UAE MAY EXCEED $31BILLION THIS FISCALAn official stated that the country's exports to the UAE, with which India implemented a free trade agreement on May 1st of last year, are anticipated to surpass $31 billion during the current fiscal year due to strong demand for industries like gems and jewellery, machinery, and automobiles. The deal, according to the government official, is assisting India in promoting its outbound shipments to the UAE. India's non-oil exports increased by 5 percent from June 2022 to January 2023 to $15.2 billion from $14.5 billion during the same period the previous year. The amount of imports over the time period rose by 3 percent to $16.8 billion. India's exports to the UAE reached $31.2 billion earlier in 2016­17. 6,057 certificates of origin were given to exporters in January so they may benefit from the trade agreement's reduced duty rates.For exports to nations with which India has trade agreements, a certificate of origin is a crucial document. At the importing nation's landing port, an exporter must present the certificate. To claim duty reductions under free trade agreements, the paperwork is crucial. This certificate is necessary to demonstrate the origin of the items. Exports of electrical machinery and diamonds and jewellery to the UAE increased by 16 percent and 29 percent to $3.8 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively, between June 2022 and January 2023. Shipments of autos increased by 38 percent to $475 million during that time. The exports of edible vegetables, coffee, tea, spices, sugar, man-made staple fibres, and tea all show good growth. The person stated that technical teams are working on the arrangements and central banks of both nations are examining the potential of rupee-dirham exchange. PAKISTAN TO WELCOME INVESTMENT FROM UAE TO STRENGTHEN THE EXISTING ECONOMIC TIESTHE DEAL, ACCORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, IS ASSISTING INDIA IN PROMOTING ITS OUTBOUND SHIPMENTS TO THE UAE
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