| | OCTOBER 202319HR methodologies, which includes Scrum and Kanban. Then as part of the organization's cultural transformation, our team members went through Scrum training and then cross-functional teams were formed to work on specific initiatives using this methodology. What I learned from this methodology is that more than ever, bringing employees from different functional teams, with different areas of expertise, is essential to solve complex problems and develop innovative solutions.How do you maintain company culture and collaboration in a hybrid work environment?Trust is a critical component of a successful hybrid work arrangement. It is important to let employees know that they are given the autonomy they need to do their work effectively. This means setting clear expectations, communicating regularly, and giving employees the resources and support they need to be successful. I have seen the transition from work being location-based to being output and outcome based. Communication from the senior leaders to all members of the organization sets the tone for company culture. Regularly hearing the CEO define company culture, values, expected behaviors and goals, whether employees are on site or remote, is essential in ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. The conversation should be continued by all leaders in the organization and feedback is gathered and given to foster open communication.Technology also plays a significant part in facilitating collaboration. There are many collaboration tools that can be used to effectively include everyone's ideas and inputs between remote and in-office employees. And while technology is important, the leader's role is essential in ensuring that an inclusive and safe work environment is created to give a sense of unity among the team, regardless of where they are. The leader should re-imagine new ways of engaging the team, the old ways may not be relevant anymore. Regular team meetings, virtual coffee breaks, informal chats, wellness discussions, celebrations, etc. are needed to maintain a sense of camaraderie and ensure that everyone feels included.How should HR support the CEO in business transformation?According to a McKinsey report, 70% of digital transformations fail to achieve their goals. I think business, not just digital, transformation is challenging and the CEO needs all functional teams onboard, working together to successfully achieve this. Specifically, HR can support the CEO by aligning people and culture strategies with business goals, determining capabilities and assessing the capability gap, attracting and developing talents, facilitating communication and putting together an architecture for change. By working closely with the CEO and other key stakeholders, HR can help ensure that the transformation is successful and that the company emerges stronger and more competitive.What message do you have for HR as businesses transform?As HR professionals, we know the importance and urgency of upskilling and reskilling the workforce. We also need to set the example and role model continuous learning by upskilling ourselves. It's more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technology and know its impact on work and lives. There are new technologies, such as AI tools, that we can try ourselves and discover how it would change the way we do things in HR. For me, it is an exciting time to be in HR right now, we have tons of opportunities to reinvent ourselves and drive and support business transformation. We must take courage, continue to learn and adapt so we can build organizations that thrive in the future. HR HAS A CRUCIAL ROLE IN BUILDING AN AGILE AND INNOVATIVE CULTURE THAT ENABLES BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION. TO ACHIEVE THIS, HR MUST BREAK OUT OF THE TRADITIONAL MOULD BY EMBRACING NEW TECHNOLOGIES, BECOMING DATA-DRIVEN, AND ADOPTING NEW WAYS OF WORKING. BY TRANSFORMING ITSELF AS A FUNCTION, HR CAN DESIGN ORGANIZATIONS THAT ARE ABLE TO THRIVE IN A RAPIDLY CHANGING WORLD
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