Starting from the Roots

However, while appreciating the efforts from the academic world to fill the long-ventilated gap between industry and academia, the demand and supply are never in balance, primarily due to the insane pace of technological and methodological advancements in the business world. Nevertheless, over the past few years, top educational institutes worldwide have successfully adapted to the trends and created global citizens, majorly owing to technological interventions and advancements in connectivity. Most importantly, they have been able to set benchmarks. However, while we advance in technology, it is of paramount importance to ensure that one aspect of this progress is sustainability.
The green future is one of the common goals of the modern world. Every segment of the society must play its role going forward. It’s the world's collective responsibility, and everybody is a stakeholder. Hence, academic institutions have a huge role in sowing the seeds of this thought, especially in the younger generation. There are several commendable initiatives adopted by institutes in Asia in this regard, especially in the past few years.
For instance, the University of Tokyo launched a new research organization, the UTokyo Center for Climate Solutions (UTCCS), aiming to promote collaborative research on climate and society and to combat climate change based on scientific evidence. Asia has an added responsibility toward reversing climate change, as it hosts four in five of the world’s most populous countries. We can’t afford to not start this revolution from our academic institutions. This yearly issue is based on business leaders who graduated from some of the prestigious universities in Asia.