Martyn Taylor: Leading The Charge For Scalable Business Growth & Employee Fulfillment

Martyn Taylor: Leading The Charge For Scalable Business Growth & Employee Fulfillment

Martyn Taylor , COO

Martyn Taylor


Leaders are often role models to someone watching them from afar. There is indeed a lot to learn from their journeys. With tremendous determination and drive, they not just achieve business success but also inspire several others to chase their dreams.

Many such hidden gems in the Philippines are true inspirations through their endeavours. Today, we have our spotlight on one such modern-day leader, Martyn Taylor, COO of Back Room Offshoring. With a diverse career spanning multiple industries, including banking, business and IT consulting, construction management, logistics, and real estate development, Martyn has developed a deep understanding of the financial drivers of a business and how to utilize technology to increase operational efficiencies.

Throughout his career, he has focused on the theme of operations, which has been the primary area of his expertise in recent years. But what sets Martyn apart is his ability to adapt to different cultures and work in global environments. He's spent over 20 years as an "expat" working in diverse locations around the world, including over 10 years as a US government contractor.

Despite having experience with Fortune 50 companies, start-ups, and middle market companies across boundaries, Martyn remains incredibly humble and focused on personal growth. With his expertise, Back Room Offshoring is poised for continued success and growth in the future. Martyn shares his wise words with CEO Insights Asia.

Describe your path to success and what is your success mantra.

I crave unique experiences, which have taken me down an unconventional career path. During my undergrad studies, I pursued a liberal arts education, majoring in Religion for its interdisciplinary nature. I was able to explore a wide range of subjects, from History and Sociology to Psychology and Comparative Literature. while still earning credits toward my major.  

My career choices have been similarly focused on seeking out distinctive experiences rather than specific career objectives. To me, each job or travel experience is a new chapter in the book of my life, with the ultimate goal of creating a memorable and fulfilling ‘story’. Of course, I’m also pragmatic. The primary questions I would ask myself before changing jobs or careers would be: 'Is the work fulfilling and can I make a significant impact?', 'Does it leverage my existing skill set, while providing an opportunity to layer on new, transferable skills?', 'Will I speak with pride when describing what I’m doing?'

Compensation, benefits, and other typical factors come into play, but if there’s something uniquely challenging about the work or location, I would generally lean toward those opportunities and add to my ‘story’. My success mantras would be 'plan, but take chances, continue to acquire knowledge, and remember that, Life is a journey, not a destination, as stated by Ralph Waldo Emerson'.

How would you define Back Room Offshoring as an organization?

The Back Room is an offshoring company that is changing the game when it comes to accounting, tax, and bookkeeping services. Founded by two  enterprising brothers from New Zealand with their own successful CPA practice, the Back Room established operations in the Philippines with these guiding core values: Integrity & Confidentiality, Accuracy, Respect, Energy & Fun.

My daily motivation is to become a little bit smarter & wiser every day, with the hope that these small gains will add up to big improvements over time

The majority of our clients are based in New Zealand, but our reach includes Australia, the United States, Canada, and the UK. And that's not all - we've recently ventured into new vertical markets such as fractional marketing services and inpatient medical coding, collaborating with reputable partners in the US. Our focus on US tax services has also been a key driver of our growth. Over the past year, we have doubled our headcount to around 600 employees, and we're aiming to exceed 1,000 employees by year-end. This puts us in the mid-tier range of providers in the Philippines, and we're proud to be a significant contributor to the country's thriving offshoring industry.

Tell us about your leadership approach.

I would call my overall leadership style 'collaborative yet decisive'. I value collaboration and seek input from relevant stakeholders to make informed decisions. The doors are open for guidance and opinions, but I am not afraid to go against the grain if I feel it’s in the best overall interest of the company or presents a 'slippery slope' situation that may set  an unnecessary precedent. I also believe in equity, consistency, and empathy. That is, to be consistent and fair in the treatment of employees, with the understanding that they are the company’s greatest asset.

What is the future destination you are heading towards?

In 2022, my primary mission for the Back Room was to enhance our scalability while preserving our employees' high level of satisfaction and retention. My focus was on developing and improving systems to achieve these goals while also expanding our presence in new markets such as North America and new vertical industries. Over the past year, we have made significant progress toward these objectives, particularly in terms of optimizing our systems and officially launching new verticals. In 2023, we will pivot more toward increasing sales – especially in the US – and building labour capacity via new office openings in the Philippines and other 'nearshore' foreign markets, such as South America.

What advice would you give to budding leaders?

One of the most valuable lessons I've learned is to listen and learn from those around you. There's no need to repeat the same mistakes as others when there are so many valuable resources available through industry associations and events. Networking at these events can provide legal advice, access to capital, strategic partnerships, and more at a very low cost. In addition, building a strong team is crucial, with a focus on character and values. While skills can always be trained, finding a lasting fit with a company's culture can be difficult and costly.

Martyn Taylor, Chief Operating Officer, Back Room Offshoring

Born and raised in Colorado, Martyn is an animal lover, an avid sportsman, and a father to twin girls. He attended Princeton University and earned a degree in Religion, followed by an MBA from the University of California - Berkeley. In his free time, he enjoys golfing. He is also an avid traveller, having visited more than 70 countries.

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