
President urges business support at APEC CEO Summit 2023


presidentPresident Vo Van Thuong, speaking at the APEC CEO Summit 2023 in San Francisco from November 14-16, urged the business community to continue supporting APEC member states in fulfilling sustainable development commitments and pursuing lasting socio-economic and environmental objectives. The summit gathered around 2,000 leaders from prominent businesses worldwide, Asia-Pacific nations, international organizations, research institutions, and universities. This event stands as a crucial annual gathering for the regional business community during the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week. Its primary aim is to facilitate idea exchange among enterprises and offer recommendations to APEC leaders.

The summit's theme, "Creating Economic Opportunity", showcases a diverse lineup of speakers emphasizing collaboration and innovative thinking to shape the future. The discussions revolve around sustainability, inclusivity, resilience, and innovation. President Thuong is an esteemed guest at this year’s summit, alongside counterparts from the US, Republic of Korea (RoK), Chile, Peru, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia.

During his speech, Thuong highlighted four significant contradictions within the global economy: the widening gap between the wealthy and poor and the environmental degradation despite increased economic growth and wealth; the rise of protectionism and separatism following over three decades of globalization; limitations of institutional frameworks at the national level despite the global impact of scientific and technological advancements; and the dual nature of science and technology presenting both unforeseen risks and significant development opportunities. Additionally, he noted the paradox of economies promoting consumption, even excessive consumption, yet facing challenges in mobilizing adequate resources for sustainable development goals.

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