| | MARCH 20238IN FOCUSABU DHABI FIRM TADWEER & LANZATECH ANNOUNCED A COLLABORATION TO EXPLORE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESThe Abu Dhabi Waste Man-agement Company (Tad-weer) and LanzaTech NZ, Inc., a forward-thinking carbon capture and transformation busi-ness, today announced a partner-ship to investigate business op-portunities for the development of a sizable conversion plant for turning solid municipal waste into sustainable alternative fuel. A company called Lanza Tech uses waste carbon to create sustain-able fuels, textiles, packaging, and other items that people use on a daily basis. Ali Al Dhaheri, Chief Executive Officer of Tadweer, said, "This is another great part-nership we are exploring in 2023 ­ the UAE's Year of Sustainability. It exemplifies our commitment to partnering with leading waste management entities and driving sustainability across our organi-sation. We believe that waste is a resource to be harnessed, and with Lanza Tech's support, we aim to make this a reality"."The project represents a tre-mendous opportunity to protect the planet by turning waste car-bon into sustainable aviation fuel, keeping fossil fuels in the ground," said Jennifer Holmgren, Chief Ex-ecutive Officer of Lanza Tech. He added, "The carbon found in mu-nicipal solid waste, which is piling up in landfills or being incinerat-ed globally, can play a critical role in eliminating the virgin fossil resources used to make fuels and chemicals. It is a testament to the UAE's leadership and strong sus-tainability agenda that our tech-nology has found a home here. This collaboration further advanc-es the US and UAE's Partnership for Accelerating Clean Energy (PACE) and provides a foundation for deepening cooperation on cir-cular economy and low-carbon fuels". "THE PROJECT REPRESENTS A TREMENDOUS OPPORTUNITY TO PROTECT THE PLANET BY TURNING WASTE CARBON INTO SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL, KEEPING FOSSIL FUELS IN THE GROUND", SAID JENNIFER HOLMGREN, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF LANZA TECH
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