| | MARCH 202319Sharon ChanHead-JLABS APACThat's how I found myself working at Johnson & Johnson Innovation, where we believe that a great idea can come from anywhere and where through collaboration, we work to accelerate life science innovation.What are the major challenges that startups face in Asia Pacific? To transform ideas from concept to commercially viable healthcare solutions, innovators need financial resources, facilities, expertise in regulatory policy and commercialization. Across the world, we see the ways in which entrepreneurs and innovators are more similar to each other than they are different.What role do you see technology playing in healthcare?Today, we're seeing the continued merger of healthcare and technology, which includes an exciting move by biotechs toward IA-driven drug R&D and a rapid scaling up of AI capabilities.With the rapid pace of change in the technologies, like AI, that are available to speed up the R&D process, we see agility as a key characteristic for success among our resident company CEOs. We're already seeing early signs of its ability to create efficiencies by reducing costs and shortening the time it takes to validate drug development targets.Indeed, AI and other potentially disruptive new areas of science such as advanced analytics, regenerative medicine, 3-D printing, gene therapy, microbiome science and robotics have the potential to reshape the future of healthcare and accelerate the delivery of new solutions for patients in need.What will be the kind of role that future leaders in the healthcare industry should play while accessing new opportunities going forward?One thing we see consistently is the need to focus on accelerating the development of science for patients while overcoming the many hurdles to transforming great ideas into commercially viable solutions.With the rapid pace of change in the technologies, like AI, that are available to speed up the R&D process, we see agility as a key characteristic for success among our resident company CEOs. This ability to remain agile is vital to stay ahead of the curve, to leverage new technology and solutions, and to truly accelerate innovation to make a difference in this field.But future leaders also need to understand that no one company can do it alone. TO TRANSFORM IDEAS FROM CONCEPT TO COMMERCIALLY VIABLE HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, INNOVATORS NEED FINANCIAL RESOURCES, FACILITIES, EXPERTISE IN REGULATORY POLICY AND COMMERCIALIZATION
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