Zhenye Okimoto
According to recent reports, the consulting industry in Japan is valued in trillions and is poised for further growth in the coming years. The growth is evident because Japan has had a 360 degree development since it started rebuilding itself after World War 2 and now has transformed itself into one of the advanced economies in the world. In this kind of developed scenario where companies are looking at large scale expansion, professionals with cross functional experiences are required. Zhenye Okimoto, CEO, CHONG WEI GONG ZUO SHI is an individual with experience in various sectors like manufacturing, automobile and market research that has given him the required expertise to make an impact with his company. The CEO Insights Asia magazine engages in a conversation with him in order to know more about his career and the value his company is adding to the industry.
Could you give a brief about your professional journey and what motivates your daily routine?
I founded this company in 2020. It was a challenging year, as the world was in an uproar over the coronavirus, a state of emergency was declared in Japan, and some of the projects we had planned were canceled. However, changes in the social environment have created new needs for information and services, providing many opportunities. I have long experience in the manufacturing industry, including the automobile industry, and in the market research industry. I had gained experience in various companies and industries, so I adapted well to such changes. The only way to change the environment around us first is to change ourselves. Our company's mission, 'to create a fair place for people to work and live,' is to contribute to the formation of a sustainable society, and we are motivated by the need to update and improve ourselves constantly.
Define CHONG WEI GONG ZUO SHI as an organization and its position in the market.
We would do market research, provide consulting, connect customers together, and even market their products if requested. Our company's name is Chong Wei Gong Zuo Shi; the word 'Chong Wei' in Chinese means to 'Push Forward.' Also, 'Gong Zuo Shi,' means 'Studio' as in 'Studio Ghibli,' because we want to be an entertainer in the market. Although we are a Japanese company, we have tried to create a diverse English company name by incorporating ideas from Chinese, alphabetic characters, and Japanese animation culture.
As the CEO, what are factors you look into when developing effective corporate growth strategies?
Our mission is to 'create a fair place for people to work and live,' and we are focusing on Goal 10 of the SDGs, which is to 'eliminate inequality among people and nations.' Companies must conduct fair activities and create a corporate culture in which employees are actively involved in such a fair environment. In this sense, the role of leaders is vital, and they need to be skilled in understanding and respecting diversity and be ready to engage in continuous improvement. As a corporate entity, we will pursue profits but not waver in this mission. We may not make much money, but we believe consistency in such a mission is critical to determining our strategy.
From your vast experiences in the area of emerging technologies, how do you guide your team to stay informed and implement the latest trends from the market?
Our basic stance is to work from individual needs and build on them with sincerity and dedication. We are always listening to unnoticeable individual needs that cannot be universalized. We don't need to rely too heavily on digital marketing to find or grab those needs. Our style is to invest in what no one else is doing rather than what everyone else is doing now. In the end, excellence is infectious, in a good way, and business will naturally spread. That is our corporate philosophy.
Tell us about your leadership approach. What are the guidelines or methodologies you follow as a leader?
As I mentioned, the role of leaders is vital, and they need to be skilled in understanding and respecting diversity and be ready to engage in continuous improvement. On the other hand, I do not know how many good leaders there are in this world, but the fact is that we cannot eliminate conflict from this world. From that perspective, we cannot overestimate the leadership. The more international the environment, the greater the risk of conflicts due to differences in values. We believe that the ability to make breakthroughs in resolving such issues depends on the universality of each company’s philosophy or mission and whether or not it is appropriately shared within the company.
What is the future destination you are headed towards?
We start by making mistakes because we believe that nothing is completely ready in the world and nothing goes quickly to be successful. When a chance comes, it usually comes out of nowhere. If you want to seize it, you must go for it, no matter how uncool you look. I believe this to be true not only for business but for many other aspects that the number and quality of failures are essential for growth.
In light of your strong professional experience, what would be your advice to budding industry leaders while accessing new opportunities in this domain?
A new market or technology often begins with denial. The more comfortable we become with existing products, the more this fact is forgotten, and eventually, only past products can be talked about. So, we must begin by abandoning our past successes for the 'new age.' While the digital world has increased convenience, the things spun in it are only a partial of things, not the whole thing. Because we have converted to digital, we sometimes lose sight of the true nature of things. On the other hand, if there is one truth that will never change, digital or not, it is that no one knows when and where breakthroughs will occur in the marketplace. And there are still those engaged in development for the 'new era.' It is up to everyone to decide where to place their bets, but we believe that new opportunities cannot be obtained without betting.
Zhenye Okimoto is a seasoned professional with extensive expertise in emerging technologies, ranging from micro LED and autonomous vehicles to automotive batteries and the microbiome. With a background in literature and an MBA, he brings a unique perspective to his role. Zhenye's contributions extend beyond manufacturing, as he has proposed decoration technologies to renowned German automotive manufacturers and currently shares his insights on EV trends through major automotive media.