
COYLE Delegation Bolsters Ties in Indonesia


A group of 16 entrepreneurs from the Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs (COYLE) traveled to Jakarta, Indonesia. The group was able to explore prospects with the Indonesian business sector thanks to the assistance of Sri Lanka's Embassy in Jakarta. On September 21, the team paid a visit to Indonesia's Trade Ministry's Permanent Trade Exhibition. This was followed by a business-to-business meeting with a leading pharmaceutical firm in Indonesia.

A business gathering was held by the Sri Lanka’s Embassy in Jakarta at the embassy premises on September 22. The event was attended by more than 70 Indonesians from the business community representing key associations such as KADIN (Indonesia Chamber of Commerce and Industry), HIPMI (Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association), APINDO (Indonesian Entrepreneurs Association), and GAPMMI (Indonesian Food and Beverage Producers Association), as per dailynews.

Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, Sri Lanka's Ambassador to Indonesia and ASEAN, provided an in-depth overview on commercial potential for both nations. He emphasized that Indonesia is a land of chances for individuals seeking to enter the business sector, citing the country's increasing middle class and massive market. In Indonesia, roughly 229.9 million individuals, or around 88% of the entire population, like spending money on vacation and shopping.The Chamber of Young Lankan Entrepreneurs provided their Indonesian counterparts with a complete overview of business potential.

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