Pandrol Names Xavier Sarrat as New Chief Procurement Officer

Xavier Sarrat has assumed the role of Chief Procurement Officer at Pandrol, succeeding Olivier Jullien, who has transitioned into a new strategic position within the company. Holding degrees from the French National Business School for Higher Education in Management (HEC) and the National School for Higher Education in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ENSAM), Xavier will report directly to Pandrol's CEO, Nicolas Groult.
Formerly serving as Associate VP, Global Procurement at Agilent Technology in Singapore, Xavier will assume his new position, succeeding Olivier, starting January 2024, based in Colombes. In acknowledging Olivier's seven-year tenure as Chief Procurement Officer, Nicolas Groult expressed that Olivier would now contribute to the success of Pandrol's 'on-track 2028' strategy by focusing on improving footprint performance.
Groult also welcomed Xavier, emphasizing his valuable experience as the former Sourcing Director for Brakes & Safety Group and China Division Purchasing Director for Wabtec. Pandrol, a leader in rail fastening systems and aluminothermic welding, has played a pivotal role in establishing rail infrastructure across over 100 countries. The company's expertise extends to manufacturing castings, plastics, track electrification and equipment for track construction, fastening installation and welding.