The Role Of A New Age Leader In Bridging Industry Academia Gap

Let’s uncover the problems behind this industry academia gap through the lens of a veteran who has been around the game for 37 years - 20 years in the education and training industry alone. Dr. Anuj...

Trends & Tech Advancements Reshaping the Malaysian Insurance Space

With two Master's degrees in Risk Management & Insurance Finance from the Wisconsin...

Emerging Sustainability Trends in Paper Manufacturing & Their Impact on the Laminate Industry

An economics graduate and the author of ‘Sulle decisioni di investimento in un...

Biochar - Things Every Smallholder Farmer must be Aware of

Jason boasts of a 29-year long career during which he has worked with companies ranging...

Navigating Change and Embracing Innovation: Charting the Future of the Apparel Industry

In an ever-transforming landscape, the apparel industry stands at the crossroads of change and innovation. Rajat Gupta, a seasoned visionary with a...

Towards a Greener Future: Embracing Change in the Evolving Mobility Industry

Michel has over three decades of expertise in the mobility and technology sectors. Michel holds an Engineering degree from Telecom Bretagne and is...

Reflections as a Business CEO

Nishant Saxena, a senior pharmaceutical executive, has a strong history of achieving step-change results. With over two decades of experience in...

A Lean, Effective Solution is Better than a Fancy One

In today's fast-paced and competitive world, businesses and individuals often strive to create innovative and visually stunning solutions that...

Consumer Electronics Industry: Adapting the New Dynamics

At the turn of the century, the consumer electronics industry in the UAE depended largely on in-store sales. It drew strength from the nation's...

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